Belay Cena Una |
There are many old homes in the Albay area. In Camalig and Daraga, the teak woodwork that is found on these architectural gems is stunning. One of the homes, Loveria House is currently the site of Belay Cena Una Restaurant. It is a 300 year old structure that was built in 1702 for Antonio Loveria of the Borromeo clan. It is one of five old homes that survived the war. During the war, it housed Japanese officers and served as the headquarters of the Imperial army. The ground floor has polished stone flooring and the walls are made of lime. The current owners, Sheldon and Med Villanueva nee Vallej,o grew up in the neighborhood and are often found at their restaurant during Sunday Brunch. They share their knowledge of the neighborhood and the history of Daraga, a place that they love.